Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cancel The Troll

I've known I was different all of my life. It's been a thing I've dealt with when I was really little. I didn't have many friends growing up as I do now. That all changed when I was at the age of 6. I met someone that would unknowingly change my life forever. You must be thinking yes this is an awesome thing for me... well it was but it's not the normal type of friend. This friend is the type of friend that once you make that first sign of friendship to him, he will NEVER leave your side. My friend's name is Cancel and yes he's a troll. Now you must be really confused because when you heard I said friend you thought a real living breathing flesh person like you and myself. Cancel is a fun loving, sweet, wise, silly, caring, goofball that I would never want to let go of. He knows how to make me smile when I need to smile and he knows when I'm pissed so he's there to attack anyone if I really need him to. Ok, don't get me wrong he's not a bad troll and he's not harmful he's just willing to keep me safe and happy as much as he possibly can. From what Cancel has told a good friend of mine, the day we met I wasn't so sure I should trust him but my curiosity got the better of me and I decided to become friends with him to learn more. Cancel also said that he saw this little lonely fun loving, sweet, nice girl who needed a friend. I mean sure I needed a friend at the time but what I didn't know is that he needed a friend too. Oh and that's not the only thing he saw in me was just some friendship... He saw that I could be useful to the spiritual world too. For me this makes me happy to know that I'm useful but now was just figuring out how. Mind reading.... mind reading was something I've always joked around about being able to do because I tend to know what people are going to say before they say it already. This is something that could be useful in so many different ways.... some good and some bad. I know not to use it for bad reasons but I'm now on the journey to figure out how to use this power that I so have inside myself.

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